Nedelja svesti o mozgu 2017 — izveštaj
Organizing institution: : Serbian Neuroscience Society Students Section
Other participating organizations: : Serbian Academy of Sciences Student Cultural Center Cultural Center of Belgrade MENSA Serbia School of Philosophy University of Belgrade
Event Summary
Number of events organized during BAW: one lecture
Event types: Lecture/Briefing, TV Show
Target Audience: General Public
Approximate number of people reached: 100+
Details of major BAW events/activities: I have been invited to give a popular lecture that would fit the main topic of the BAW2017 “The Brain in the Land of Dreams”. I decided to give a talk entitled “Winter sleep: ground squirrels, cosmonauts and the Belgrade school of physiology”. The topic of my talk was hibernation, hypothermia and their relation with the brain in health and pathophysiology. The talk raised interest and afterwards I gave an interview for the Science TV.
Event Planning
Publicity methods used: Emails, Posters/Flyers, Website
What other downloadable materials would you like the Alliance to provide? Lesson Plans, Activities/Experiments
Official BAW graphic materials used: BAW Logos
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