2020 / 2021
- SrBC continues to act as member of EBC with observer status with its representative as NBC liaison to the EBC Board.
- The SrBC website (sbc.ac.rs) is operational, regularly updated and maintained at the University of Belgrade server.
- The SrBC observer membership to EBC is continued to be financially supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia.
- SrBC took part at 2 EBC General Assemblies in each of years 2020/21 and as NBC liason to EBC Board meetings 2020/21
- SrBC took part in two EBC Strategic workshops in Sept 2020 and Feb 2021, as well as followed other meetings run by EBC on brain research funding (May 2020) and EBC projects and the Morning club (Sept 2020).
- SrBC representatives took part at the virtual FENS Forum 2020 end attended the EBC-run session “Global Research Collaboration”.
- SrBC took part in the EBC run virtual side sessions in connection with the United Nations 75th General Assembly.
- Sep 20, 2020 we attended the 6th NBC Academy with the launching of the Hellenic NBC.
- SrBC representative also joined the EBC founded Animal research and welfare task force.
- SrBC continued its activities within the two ERASMUS+ grants “SHARE4BRAIN” (coordinator BBC) and as coordinator for “ADHD-CARE”. ADHD-CARE has now submitted its final report for review and SHARE4BRAIN should have its final meeting in May 2022.
- SrBC applied and won another ERASMUS+ grant on patient care for Parkinskon’s disease E-CARE4PD. The grant is coordinated by the Spanish Society for Parkinskon’s and other partners are from Belgium (BBC) and Greece.
2018 / 2019
- SBC continues to act as member of EBC with observer status. At the same time its representative was re-elected as NBC liason to the EBC Board.
- The SBC website (sbc.ac.rs) is operational, regularly updated and maintained at the University of Belgrade server.
- The SBC observer membership to EBC is continued to be financially supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of Republic of Serbia.
- SBC responded to the EC Call for Feedback to promote health research funding in the Horizon Europe program, Health cluster. – Letter to the Ambassador of the Serbian Mission to the EC in Brussels.
- SBC participated along with 16 other councils in the drafting of the National Brain Plan, based on a Questionaire initiated by the Belgium Brain Council. SBC representatives thus co-authored the paper on 10 priorities for a Brain Plan that emerged from the above survey and has been published in the Croatian Medical Journal.
- SBC organized its own session at the Brain Awareness Week 2019 in the Gallery of science and technology of the Serbian Academy of Science. Three talks were presented – by SBC president on Cooperation of Universities and Industry (credits to W. Oertel and EAN), a talk from a patient’s perspective by the president of the Society of Parkinson’s disease patients, and a talk from a colleague at the Psychiatric clinic on the development and benefits of brain electroconvulsive treatments.
- SBC applied in consortia with EBC for two ERASMUS+ grants „Share4Brain“ (coordinator BeBC) and as coordinator for „ADHD-Care“.
- SBC applied in the first call for NBC Awards.
Annual report (inaugural) year 2015
The start of year 2015 was dedicated to the preparations for the Inaugural Assembly of the Serbian Brain Council.
The Inaugural Assembly was held on 28th April 2015 at the Neurological Clinic of the Clinical center of Serbia in Belgrade. Invited guest at the Assembly was prof. Roland Pochet, secretary general of the Belgium Brain Council, who gave a lecture overview on EBC. Thence the SBC Board of five including the president was elected, necessary founding documents were drafted and signed and the Statute drafted and discussed.
Subsequently the Council was registered as an NGO on May 12th, 2015 and a bank account was opened. A logo was designed and a stamp mould manufactured.
On June 17th, 2015, the newly formed SBC delegating its president Pavle Andjus joined the 1st Academy of NBCs in Brussels. This was also taken as an opportunity to make contact and visit the Serbian mission (amb. Lopandić) in the European Parliament.
Back home the activity of SBC was immediately focused on addressing the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development for the inclusion of Neuroscience as a priority in the draft of the Strategy for scientific development in Serbia for 2016-2020. This initiative is still ongoing.
Along with several short operational Board meetings, a meeting of the newly formed SBC Board was organized on October 30th, 2015. Several important executive decisions were made: membership fee categories were defined and potential members targeted, design of the internet site was initiated, local and international road maps were set.
On December 22nd, 2015, the 1st regular SBC Assembly was organized at the Neurologic Clinic (that became the official address of the Council). The main goal was to inform and mobilize the membership.
SBC remained in active contact with EBC. One of the activities was to promote the founder of SBC and current president of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Vladimir Kostić as the EBC Ambassador. This nomination was officially approved in Brussels in December 2015. It was planned to initiate several working meetings of the SBC Board with the EBC Ambassador.