Beverle y Nolker will be talking about her book titled, ‘I Have Some Friends with ADHD,’ which is aimed at helping young people understand their brains and bring acceptance to a much vilified disability. This book is written in rhyme and is designed to explain what ADHD is and how it affects the brain. It is hoped that young people will read it and try to understand that people with ADHD are incredible human beings with wonderful qualities. Beverley first began her ADHD journe  y when her son was diagnosed 11 years ago. She did not believe her son had ADHD and, initially, fought the diagnosis. After it was affirmed, Bev and her family began a journey that didn’t require passports or currency but one that needed understanding and empathy. She studied, read, and educated herself on ADHD as much as she could to help her son, Mason, be the best version of himself. At the age of 48 she received her own diagnosis which opened up new avenues of understanding ADHD. 9 years ago she started a support group, in her community, to help other families affected by ADHD and it has grown exponentially. The ADHD Sheppey Facebook group has over 6,500 members and is a connection for more rural families. She delivers ADHD Awareness training, 123 Magic Positive Parenting workshops, family and one-to-one support. She is an NLP Coach and is currently studying for her ADHD Life Coaching accreditation with the Laurie Dupar iACT ADHD Academy in America.
Website for Bev’s book:
Where to buy the book in uk ~ From ADDISS Bookshop Europe purchase ~ from Amazon Italy Social media links Facebook *** Twitter *** Linkedin *** Instagram Bev Nolker Email: