NBC Academy in Dubrovnik
On recent NBC Academy in Dubrovnik (9th and 10th of May, 2019), SBC received a prize EBC awarded for the first time to the NBC for their excellent accomplishments. We receive the prize for organizing the 1st Regional NBC (RNBC) meeting in Belgrade on July 10, 2019.
The application describing 1st Regional National Brain Councils (RNBC) Meeting:
Application-for-EBC-awardFENS Regional Meeting (FRM) 2019 program with RNBC Meeting highlighted:
At the FRM 2019 we will present a “position paper” put together based on the survey conducted in 6 countries:
Questionnaire-on-common-challenges-and-regional-cooperation-SUMMARYA summary of the main conclusions and agreed-upon actions points:
Main-conclusions-and-action-points-5th-Academy-Meeting-of-National-Brain-CouncilsThe presentations can be accessed here. The photos that were taken during the meeting can be accessed here.